Author Archives: Joe

Photos January – before stormwater work

Some photos on the western side of the Park, where the council will be doing some hydrological work soon (we hope)

From the bridge, looking SW

From the bridge, looking SW

Looking NE

From the bridge, looking NE

From the bridge, looking N

From the bridge, looking W

Looking NE

Looking NE, near the maple tree

Looking NE, near the maple tree

Looking E, near the maple tree

Looking NE

We meet next on 22nd February.



We went looking for weeds and found lots of the usual, but also Erica and Broom


We came across a blue tongue lizard

Blue Tongue Lizard

A very good day!

Next meeting is 26th October, from 9 am.



A Himalaya of mulch!

on the eastern side

Twenty minutes later, there was more!

On the western side, the Twin Peaks!

Let’s hope the Council has plans!


May work

Lots of weeding, and lots of mulching

mulch on the path

we covered that with pine mulch to make

a yellow brick road!

We saw a huge moth

We meet again on Thursday 22nd at 9 am, to continue mulching and weeding, maybe on the other side of the Park.


April photos

Bee hotels made at the Picnic

and one made earlier

Council have put in some rocks to stabilise the creek bed and provide stepping stones


and the creek bank has been lined with hessian to stabilise it.


Rain, March

I went to the Park this morning to look at the creeks

Creek on Central St side, the wooden bridge is in the bottom right

A waterfall in the creek! Bridge is in lower left.

I have crossed the bridge.

Falls Rd side, on the path

Falls Rd side, we will have work to do!

A bit further down

The path is under water on the left, the mulch pile is out of shot to the right.

Looking north

Looking west.

Lots to be done.



The day started out as misty

We put out a lot of mulch along the creek line

(note the cedar wattle flowering in the background)

Finally the mist cleared

revealing a much smaller mulch pile.

We weeded a lot of montbretia and honeysuckle and other weeds.



We had some mulch

which we spread about

We did some planting, and put up some bee hotels .

Bill, one of our long-time volunteers, is moving from the area, so at morning tea we thanked him for all his work over the years.

And there is plenty of work to do – this is part of the Park a few days ago!


August photos

We weeded some Agapanthus

A good  agapanthus.

A good Agapanthus.

Vivienne admiring her work

Vivienne admiring her work

and found a new weed, the Blue Bell creeper from WA, Billardiera fusiformis

Blue Bell creeper

Blue Bell creeper

Blue Bell creeper

Blue Bell creeper

The September meeting will be on 22nd, in Central Street again, from 9am.