After a hard mornings weeding,
we did some planting:
Work has started on the bio-filtration unit on the other side of the Park. I took two photos of the fine placement of rocks in the ditch.
After a hard mornings weeding,
we did some planting:
Work has started on the bio-filtration unit on the other side of the Park. I took two photos of the fine placement of rocks in the ditch.
We went looking for weeds and found lots of the usual, but also Erica and Broom
We came across a blue tongue lizard
A very good day!
Next meeting is 26th October, from 9 am.
Lots of weeding, and lots of mulching
we covered that with pine mulch to make
We saw a huge moth
We meet again on Thursday 22nd at 9 am, to continue mulching and weeding, maybe on the other side of the Park.
The day started out as misty
We put out a lot of mulch along the creek line
(note the cedar wattle flowering in the background)
Finally the mist cleared
revealing a much smaller mulch pile.
We weeded a lot of montbretia and honeysuckle and other weeds.
We weeded more agapanthus:
These didn’t last!
We found some orchids
and ended up with a lot of weeds in bags
and a natural piece of bush.
We weeded some Agapanthus
and found a new weed, the Blue Bell creeper from WA, Billardiera fusiformis
The September meeting will be on 22nd, in Central Street again, from 9am.